The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
If you are interested in knowing more take a look at this video:
What Is A Scottish Rite Mason? from Scottish Rite on Vimeo.
The Scottish Rite is an appendant or associated Body of Freemasonry. Its history is quite interesting and can be viewed by using this link.
Interested in Membership?
If You Are Not a Mason
Before you can join the Scottish Rite, you first must become a Master Mason in a Lodge under a Grand Lodge that belongs to the Conference of Grand Masters in North America (COGMINA) or to a Grand Lodge recognized by a COGMINA Grand Lodge.
To join the Scottish Rite you must:
- be a Master Mason in good standing in a regular lodge;
- complete a petition and include the appropriate fee;
- attend a "Reunion" where the Scottish Rite Degrees are conferred.
The Structure of the Scottish Rite
The governing body of the Scottish Rite is the Supreme Council. It is composed of active and deputy members of the 35 states and several overseas jurisdictions that make up the Southern Jurisdiction. Each state or jurisdiction that belongs to the Southern Jurisdiction is called an Orient. The local Scottish Rite body is called a Valley. Each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies, and each body confers a set of degrees. In the Southern Jurisdiction these are:
- Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°)
- Chapter of Rose Croix (15°–18°)
- Council of Kadosh (19°–30°)
- Consistory (31°–32°)
The Supreme Council confers the 33rd Degree of Inspector General Honorary.
The Orient of Iowa is divided into five Valleys: Davenport, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Clinton and Sioux City. All of these valleys are under the supervision of our Sovereign Grand Inspector General, who is a member of the Supreme Council.
The Valley of Davenport
The Valley of Davenport is organized into the four bodies described above. The chief officers of each body, together with the Secretary, Treasurer and Director of the Work (Ritual Director) comprise the Executive Committee which conducts the business of the Valley. The Executive Committee is led by the Sovereign Grand Inspector General's Personal Representative.
The four bodies comprising the Davenport Valley meet together to conduct business and to socialize. The four bodies meet together on the 4th Monday of March, June, September and December. The Davenport Valley hosts a Spring Reunion in April or May and a hosting of a Fall Reunion in September or October. The Annual Meeting takes place in December and includes the election and installation of officers as well as approval of a budget and other business. Executive Committee meets on the 4th Monday of January, February,April, May, July, August, October and November.
You can check the calendar for specific dates and locations.